MATLAB CVIP Toolbox Functions

Edge/Line Detection
The edge/line detection group of functions includes the standard first order gradient based edge detectors, such as the Roberts, Sobel and Prewitt and the second order Laplacian. The Sobel and Prewitt return separate images for the magnitude and direction, while the Laplacian offers different approximate convolution masks. Additionally, the compass mask operators, Kirsch and Robinson are available. Advanced edge detection algorithms such as the Marr-Hildreth, Canny, Boie-Cox, Shen-Casten and the Frei-Chen are also included. The corner detectors, Moravec and Harris, and the Hough line finding transform with it associated edge linking functions are here. The Cervenka and Charvat method for multi-band images is available, as well as a function to measure Pratt’s Figure-of-Merit (FOM) which can be used to evaluate and compare edge detection methods.- boiecox_ed_cvip - perform a Boie-Cox edge detection on the image
- canny_ed_cvip - perform a Canny edge detection on the image
- cerchar_ed_cvip - a spatial-multi spectral image edge detection filter
- frei_chen_ed_cvip - frei-chen filter, 9 basis image masks, edge/line subspace
- harris_corner_cvip - a spatial (corner detection) filter
- kirsch_ed_cvip - perform kirsch edge detection
- laplacian_ed_cvip - performs a Laplacian edge detection
- laplacian_gauss_ed_cvip - computes the Laplacian of a Gaussian edge detector
- marr_hildreth_ed_cvip - performs a Marr Hildreth edge detection on the image
- moravec_corner_cvip - a spatial corner detecting filter
- pratt_merit_cvip - calculates the Pratt Figure-of-Merit (FOM) for two binary images
- prewitt_ed_cvip - perform prewitt edge detection
- pyramid_ed_cvip - perform a pyramid edge detection
- roberts_ed_cvip - performs a Roberts edge detection
- robinson_ed_cvip - perform a Robinson edge detection
- shen_castan_ed_cvip - perform a Shen-Castan edge detection on the image
- sobel_ed_cvip - perform sobel edge detection