harris_corner_cvip() - a spatial-domain method for corner detection.



[ CRF ] = harris_corner_cvip( input_img , threshold, std, alfa, maxsupress)

Input Parameters include:


This is developed by Harris ans Stephens in 1998.This method consists of four steps 1. Blur the image with 2-D Gaussian convolution mask. 2. Find the approximate brightness gradient in two perpendicular directions. 3. Blur two brightness results with 2-D Gaussian. 4. Find the corner response function(CRF). 5. Threshold the CRF and apply non maxima supression.


1.Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% original image

 I = imread('Shapes.bmp');

% threshold value from [0,1]

 threshold = .01;

% standard deviation

 std = 4;

% alfa

 alfa = 0.5;

%Option to supress non-maxima either in a neighbourhood  or based on direction.

 maxsupress = 2;

% resultant Corner response

 [ CRF ] = harris_corner_cvip( I , threshold, std,alfa, maxsupress);

% Display input image

 figure; imshow(I);title('Input image')

% Display output image

 figure; imshow(CRF);title('Resultant image from corner response function');
The size of the gaussian is: 16 
The threshold value is: 109468.843153 


Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, July2017
Copyright © 2017-2018 Scott E Umbaugh
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