MATLAB CVIP Toolbox Functions

The color group contains all the color space transform functions, including the principal components transform (PCT), chromaticity coordinates (XYZ), CIE La*b* (LAB), CIE Lu*v* (LUV), cylindrical coordinates transform (CCT), hue-saturation-lightness (HSL), hue-saturation-value (HSV) and the spherical coordinate transform (SCT). There are also functions to convert color to monochrome images, perform linear transforms, and a color contrast enhancement algorithm.- ccenhance_cvip - color contrast enhancement algorithm
- cct2rgb_cvip - converts a color image from cylindrical coordinate to RGB color space
- hsl2rgb_cvip - converts a color image from hsl color space back to RGB color space
- hsv2rgb_cvip - converts a color image from hsv color space back to RGB color space
- ipct_cvip - performs the inverse principal components transform in RGB-space
- lab2rgb_cvip - converts a color image from CIE L*a*b* to RGB color space
- luminance_cvip - performs color to luminance transform
- lum_average_cvip - performs color to monchrome transform using average of all bands
- luv2rgb_cvip - converts a color image from CIE L*u*v* to RGB color space
- pct_cvip - performs the principal components transform in RGB-space
- rgb2cct_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to cylindrical coordinate space
- rgb2hsl_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to Hue/Saturation/Lightness color space
- rgb2hsv_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to Hue/Saturation/Value color space
- rgb2lab_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to CIE L*a*b* color space
- rgb2luv_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to CIE L*u*v* space
- rgb2sct_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to spherical coordinate space
- rgb2xyz_cvip - converts a color image from RGB to CIE XYZ color space
- sct2rgb_cvip - converts a color image from spherical coordinate space to RGB color space