range_norm_cvip() - normalizes a set of feature vector values in a matrix based on the range of each feature.



a = range_norm_cvip(vector)

Input Parameters include :

Output Parameter includes :


This function normalizes the vectors in a matrix, given as niput by the user, based on the range of the each vector. The function operates on the columns of the vector matrix and normalizes each column based on the range of the values present in that column.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Input vectors

 vectors = randn(13,6);

% Calling function

 a = range_norm_cvip(vectors)
a =

    0.3213   -0.4519   -0.2315    0.0538    0.3311   -0.1609
   -0.1715   -0.3539   -0.4695    0.0189    0.0934    0.2447
    0.4779   -0.1879   -0.3634    0.0919    0.3897   -0.0077
   -0.0762   -0.1892    0.1411    0.2570    0.1178   -0.2822
   -0.1671    0.0094   -0.2637   -0.1518    0.7347    0.1708
    0.3275    0.0789   -0.0569    0.1442   -0.2288   -0.3157
    0.2771    0.2439    0.1674   -0.4368    0.1749   -0.3662
    0.1935    0.0584    0.1546   -0.0235    0.4346    0.1990
    0.3032    0.3669   -0.0478    0.5632    0.1504    0.0077
    0.6162    0.0287    0.5305    0.1258    0.2791    0.0090
   -0.3367    0.0873    0.1536    0.2722   -0.2653    0.2076
   -0.3838    0.5481    0.0491   -0.1301    0.1920    0.3724
    0.2291    0.0252   -0.0753    0.2334   -0.0047    0.6338


Author: Norsang Lama, February 2017
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