maximum_filter_cvip() - performs maximum filtering operation.



new_image = maximum_filter_cvip( imageP,  mask_size)

Input parameters include:

Output parameter include :


The function implements a maximum filter to restore a degraded image. The function scans the image with blocks of size specified by the user and performs the filtering operation on the image to remove any pepper type of noise present in the image. Maximum filter is used to remove pepper noise from an image. The filter replaces the noise pixels with the maximum gray value present in the current block of the image.


1.Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read Image

 imageP = imread('Flowers.bmp_saltpepper.bmp');

% Mask size

 mask_size = 3;

% Calling function

 new_image = maximum_filter_cvip( imageP,3);

% Display input image

 figure;imshow(imageP);title('Input Image with pepper noise ');

% Display output image

 figure; imshow(remap_cvip(new_image,[]));title('Output image');


Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, March 2017
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