get_hist_image_cvip() - This function displays the histogram of an input image.
outputImage = get_hist_image_cvip(inputImage);
Input parameters include:
- InputImage - input image
Output parameter includes:
- OutputImage - Output image
This function displays the histogram of the input image. It displays the single histogram if the input image is gray scale image and displays separate histogram for each band if the input image is color image.The histogram of the image are adaptive in nature i.e., it automatically changes x-axis and y-axis range depending upon the values in the input image. It supports uint8,uint16 and double type image and indexed image.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
% Read Image ipImage1=imread('cam.bmp'); ipImage2 =imread('house.jpg'); % Display input image and it's histogram image figure;imshow(ipImage1);title('Input Image 1'); figure;get_hist_image_cvip(ipImage1); figure;imshow(ipImage2);title('Input Image 2'); figure;get_hist_image_cvip(ipImage2);

Author: Deependra Mishra, April 2017
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E Umbaugh
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