geometric_mean_xformfilter_cvip() - performs the geometric mean restoration filtering operation.
Y = geometric_mean_xformfilter_cvip(d,h,cutoff,limitGain,noiseImage,originalImage,alpha,gamma)
Input Parameters include:
- d - The degraded image. A single or multiband image.
- h - The degradation function. It can be single band.
- cutoff - Cutoff frequency for filtering.
- limitGain - Sets the maximum gain using the DC value as a baseline. limitGain=1 --> DC value is the maximum gain. limitGain>1 --> DC_value*limitGain is the maximum gain.
- noiseImage - The noise image. It can be single band.
- originalImage - The original image. A single or multiband image. The number of bands should match with the input 'd'.
- alpha - alpha in the generalized restoration equation.
- gamma - gamma in the generalized restoration equation.
Output Parameter include :
- Y - The output image after restoration filtering.
The geometric mean xformfilter function is used to restore a degraded image to its original state. The function works on the spectrum of the degraded image and applies filtering in order to mitigate any noise effects. The filter equation is multiplied by the degarded image spectrum and the resultant image is inverse transformed to obtaind the restored image.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
% Read Original image originalImage = imread('Flowers.bmp'); % Read Degraded image d = imread('Flowers.bmp_gaussian4.bmp'); % Read Noise image noiseImage = imread('Flowers.bmp_gaussian4.bmp'); % cutoff frequency cutoff = 32; % Limit gain limitGain = 10; % Degradation function h = [2.250 4.500 2.250; 4.500 9.001 4.500; 2.250 4.500 2.250]; % alpha and gamma in restoration equation alpha = 0; gamma = 0.5; % Call function Y = geometric_mean_xformfilter_cvip(d,h,cutoff,limitGain,noiseImage,originalImage,alpha,gamma); % Display input images figure;imshow(originalImage);title('Input Image'); figure;imshow(d);title('Degraded Image'); figure;imshow(noiseImage);title('Noise Image'); % Display output image figure;imshow(remap_cvip(Y));title('Output Image');
ans = 0.0077 ans = 0.0079 ans = 0.0080

Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, october 2016
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E Umbaugh
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