centroid_cvip() - finds the centroid of a binary object.
Com = centroid_cvip(labeledImage, [r, c]) [Rc, Cc] = centroid_cvip(labeledImage, [r, c])
Input Parameters include :
- labelImage - Label image of MxN size with single object or multiple objects. Each object has unique gray value.
- r - The row number of a pixel on the object. positive integer.
- c - The column number of a pixel on the object. positive integer.
Output Parameter include :
- Com - A 1x2 array which contains the centroid coordinates. Com = [r,c].
This function provides information about the centroid of the binary object. Centroid is the midpoint along each row and column axis corresponding to the middle based on the spatial distribution of pixels within the object.
1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.
% Read image input_img = imread('Shapes.bmp'); lab_image = label_cvip(input_img); % Calling function Com = centroid_cvip(lab_image, [115,359]); [r,c] = centroid_cvip(lab_image, [115,359]); % Display input image figure; imshow(input_img,[]); fprintf('Centroid: '); fprintf('%d %d', Com(1), Com(2));
Centroid: 129 385

Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, March 2017
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E Umbaugh
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