rst_invariant_cvip() -calculates the 7 RST-invariant features defined in Table 6.1 of reference 1.



phi = rst_invariant_cvip(labeledImage, [r, c], featSelect)

Input parameter include:

Output parameter include :


This function calculates the RST-invariant features of a binary object in a labeled image specified by the row and column coordinates given as inputs by the user. The user should also specify the features that are to be calculated.


1.Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read Image

 input_img = imread('Shapes.bmp');

 lab_image = label_cvip(input_img);

% Calling function

 phi = rst_invariant_cvip(lab_image,  [140,  119],[1 0 0 1 1 1 1]) % (391,139) is a pixel on the bottom ellipse

 phi = rst_invariant_cvip(lab_image,  [262,  97],[1 1 1 1 1 1 1]) % (391,139) is a pixel on the bottom ellipse

% Display input image

 figure; imshow(input_img,[]);title('input image');
phi = 

    'row_obj'    'col_obj'    'rst1'      'rst4'    'rst5'    'rst6'    'rst7'
    [    140]    [    119]    [0.1592]    [   0]    [   0]    [   0]    [   0]

phi = 

  Columns 1 through 7

    'row_obj'    'col_obj'    'rst1'      'rst2'    'rst3'    'rst4'    'rst5'
    [    262]    [     97]    [0.1592]    [   0]    [   0]    [   0]    [   0]

  Columns 8 through 9

    'rst6'    'rst7'
    [   0]    [   0]


Author: Mehrdad Alvandipour, March 2017
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