cooccurence_cvip() -Gray level co-occurence matrices of an image.



glcm = cooccurence_cvip(inImage,td,Ng, norm)

Input Parameters include:

Output Parameter includes :


The function computes co-occurence matrix from a 2D input array. The input image is remapped or scaled so that it will have gray levels ranging from 0 to Ng. The function creates four Ng*Ng normalized GLCM matrix corresponding to four different directions i.e., Horizontal, Vertical, Right diagonal and Left diagonal.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read image

 I = imread('cam.bmp');

% Calling function with default parameters

 O1 = cooccurence_cvip(I);

% Texture distance

 td = 3;

% calling function with user defined texture distance

 O2 = cooccurence_cvip(I,td);

% Calling function with user defined parameters for quantized- normalized glcm

 O3 = cooccurence_cvip(I,td,'y',10);


Author: Norsang Lama, March 2017
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