CVIP Toolbox for Matlab function list


The following functions are in the Matlab CVIP Toolbox, organized into categories based on the type of operation. This list contains a brief description of the functions. For more details, including examples and syntax for exact function, see the Matlab Help pages. Download here


Arithmetic and Logic

add_cvip - add two images or add constant to image

and_cvip - perform a logical AND operation between two images

divide_cvip - divide two images or divide constant to image

multiply_cvip - multiply two images or multiply an image by a constant

not_cvip - perform a logical NOT operation on input image

or_cvip - perform a logical OR operation between two images

subtract_cvip - subtract one image from another, or subtract a constant to image

xor_cvip - perform a logical XOR operation between two images



assemble_bands_cvip - assemble the red band, green band and blue band of RGB image

extract_band_cvip - extract the red band or green band or blue band depending up on the band value from the input image



ccenhance_cvip - color contrast enhancement algorithm, improves the color of the image

cct2rgb_cvip - converts CCT color value to RGB color value

ipct_cvip - performs the inverse principal components transform in RGB-space

hsl2rgb_cvip - converts an HSL image to the equivalent RGB image

hsv2rg_cvip - converts Hue-Saturation-Value color value to Red-Green-Blue color value

lab2rgb_cvip - converts L*a*b* color value to RGB color value

luminance_cvip - creates a gray-scale image from a color image

lum_average_cvip - creates a gray scale image from a color

luv2rgb_cvip - converts L*U*V color value to Red-Green-Blue color value

pct_cvip - performs the principal components transform in RGB-space

rgb2xyz_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to XYZ chromaticity color value

rgb2hsl_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to Hue/Saturation/Lightness color value

rgb2hsv_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to Hue/Saturation/Value color value

rgb2cct_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to CCT, cylindrical coordinate color value

rgb2lab_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to L*a*b* color value

rgb2luv_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to L*u*v* color value

rgb2sct_cvip - converts Red-Green-Blue color value to SCT i.e. spherical coordinate color value

sct2rgb_cvip - converts SCT color value to RGB color value


Conversion of Image Files

bin2graycode_cvip - performs a binary code to gray code conversion on an input image

vipmread_cvip - reads image data from VIPM file

halftone_cvip - convert image to binary with halftone technique

graycode2bin_cvip - perform gray code to binary code conversion on an input image

vipmwrite_cvip writes image data to the VIPM file


Edge/Line Detection

boiecox_ed_cvip - perform a Boie-Cox edge detection on the image

canny_ed_cvip - perform a Canny edge detection on the image

cerchar_ed_cvip - a spatial-multi spectral image edge detection filter

frei_chen_ed_cvip - frei-chen filter, 9 basis image masks, edge/line subspace

harris_corner_cvip - a spatial edge detecting (corner detection) filter

kirsch_ed_cvip - perform kirsch edge detection

laplacian_ed_cvip - performs a Laplacian edge detection

laplacian_gauss_ed_cvip - computes the Laplacian of a Gaussian edge detector

marr_hildreth_ed_cvip - performs a Marr Hildreth edge detection on the image

moravec_corner_cvip - a spatial corner detecting filter

pratt_merit_cvip - calculates the Pratt Figure-of-Merit (FOM) for two binary images

prewitt_ed_cvip - perform prewitt edge detection

pyramid_ed_cvip - perform a pyramid edge detection

roberts_ed_cvip - performs a Roberts edge detection

robinson_ed_cvip - perform a Robinson edge detection

shen_castan_ed_cvip - perform a Shen-Castan edge detection on the image

sobel_ed_cvip - perform sobel edge detection



copy_paste_cvip - copies a subimage from one image and pastes it to another image

crop_cvip - crop a subimage from an input image

enlarge_cvip - enlarges image to a user-specified size

rotate_cvip - rotate the given image by an angle specified by the user (Range 1 ~ 360 degrees)

shrink_cvip - shrinks the given image by a factor specified by the user (Range 0.1 ~ 1)

spatial_quant_cvip - reduce the image size using spatial quantization methods

translate_cvip - Translates or moves the entire image or part of the image

zoom_cvip - zoom an entire image or a part of the image by a factor specified by the user (Range 1 ~ 10)



get_hist_image_cvip - Displays the histogram of an input image

gray_linear_cvip -performs linear graylevel modification

histeq_cvip - performs histogram equalization on an input image

hist_create_cvip - creates histogram of an image

hist_spec_cvip - perform histogram specification of an input image

hist_shrink_cvip - shrinks a histogram of input image

hist_slide_cvip - slides a histogram of an input image

local_histeq_cvip - histogram equalization on block-by-block basis

hist_stretch_cvip - stretches a histogram of an input image

unsharp_cvip - performs unsharp masking algorithm



remap_cvip - remaps the data range of input image

condremap_cvip - performs conditional remapping, user specified range and data type

logremap_cvip - performs logarithmic remapping of an iamge data

relative_remap_cvip - relative remapping of an image data



morphclose_cvip - perform morphological closing of a grayscale or color image

morphdilate_cvip - perform morphological dilation of a grayscale or color image

morpherode_cvip - perform morphological erosion of a gray scale or color image

morphitermod_cvip - perform morphological iterative based modification as defined a set of surrounds, a logical operation and the number of iterations of a binary image

morphopen_cvip - perform morphological opening of a grayscale or color image

morph_thinning_cvip - perform morphological thinning of a binary image

morph_skeleton_cvip - perform morphological skeletonization of a binary image

morph_hitmiss_cvip - perform morphological hit-miss transform of a binary image

thinskel_mask_cvip - creates N*N size thinning filter or mask

structel_cvip - creates structuring element or kernel

rotmask_cvip - rotate an 2-D mask or filter by given angle (in degree)



gamma_noise_cvip - add gamma noise to an image

gaussian_noise_cvip - add gaussian noise to an image

neg_exp_noise_cvip - add negative-exponential noise to an image

rayleigh_noise_cvip - add Rayleigh noise to an image

salt_pepper_noise_cvip - add speckle (salt-and-pepper) noise to an noise

uniform_noise_cvip - add uniform noise to an image


Objective Fidelity Metrics

rms_error_cvip - calculates the root-mean-squared-error between two images

peak_snr_cvip - computes the peak signal-to-noise ratio between two images

snr_cvip - calculates the signal-to-noise ratio between two images


Pattern Classification: Classification Algorithms

k_nearest_neighbor_cvip - reads test and training files of feature vectors and creates output file for classification using k-nearest neighbor classification method

nearest_centroid_cvip - reads test and training files of feature vectors and creates output file for classification using nearest centroid classification method

nearest_centroid_set_cvip - reads test and training files of feature vectors and calculates centroids for each class

nearest_neighbor_cvip - reads test and training files of feature vectors and creates output file for classification using nearest neighbor classification method


Pattern Classification: Distance/Similarity Metrics

city_block_cvip - calculates the city block distance between two feature vectors

euclidean_distance_cvip - calculates the Euclidean distance between two feature vectors

maximum_value_metric_cvip - calculates the maximum value distance between two feature vectors

minkowsi_distance_cvip - calculates the Minkowski distance between two feature vectors

pattern_city_block_cvip - takes two csv files as input, test and training set, then calculates the city block distance metric by comparing each vector in the test set to each in the training set

pattern_euclidean_cvip - takes two csv files as input, test and training set, then calculates the Euclidean distance metric by comparing each vector in the test set to each in the training set

pattern_maximum_cvip - takes two csv files as input, test and training set, then calculates the maximum value distance metric by comparing each vector in the test set to each in the training set

pattern_minkowski_cvip - takes two csv files as input, test and training set, then calculates the minkowski distance metric by comparing each vector in the test set to each in the training set

pattern_tanimoto_cvip - takes two csv files as input, test and training set, then calculates the Tanimoto similarity metric by comparing each vector in the test set to each in the training set

pattern_vector_inner_product_cvip - takes two csv files as input, test and training set, then calculates the normalized vector inner product metric by comparing each vector in the test set to each in the training set

tanimoto_metric_cvip - calculates the Tanimoto similarity metric between two feature vectors

vector_inner_product_cvip - calculates the normalized vector inner product similarity metric between two feature vectors


Pattern Classification: Feature Extraction

area_cvip - calculates the area in pixels of a binary object

aspect_cvip - finds the aspect ratio of a binary object of interest on the labeled image

central_moments_cvip - returns the centralmoment of order( p + q) of a binary object

centroid_cvip - finds the centroid of a binary object

cooccurence_cvip - calculates the gray level co-occurrence matrices for an image

euler_cvip - finds the Euler number of a binary object

feature_objects_cvip - extracts features from a group of objects in a single image and a single image mask for the objects, output is a csv file

feature_images_cvip - extracts features from a group of images, where each image contains one object of interest, and uses corresponding mask images, output is a csv file

hist_feature_cvip - calculates the 5 first order histogram features for an object

irregular_cvip - calculates the irregularity ratio of a binary object

label_cvip - labels objects based on 6-connectivity, NW/SE diagonal

orientation_cvip - calculates the axis of least second moment for a binary object

perimeter_cvip - calculates perimeter of a binary object

projection_cvip - extracts horizontal and vertical projections of a binary object

rst_invariant - calculates the 7 RST-invariant features defined in Table 6.1

texture_features_cvip - Gray level co-occurence matrix based texture features of an image

thinness_cvip - calculate the thinness ratio of a binary object

spectral_features_cvip - extracts spectral features based on Fourier transform and ring and sector power


Pattern Classification: Normalization Methods

min_max_norm_cvip - applies min-max normalization to set of feature vectors in a matrix

pattern_min_max_norm_cvip - two csv files are input, training and test sets, and returns new csv files with the feature vectors normalized with min-max normalization 

pattern_snd_norm_cvip - two csv files are input, training and test sets, and returns new csv files with the feature vectors normalized with standard normal density (snd) normalization

pattern_range_norm_cvip - two csv files are input, training and test sets, and returns new csv files with the feature vectors normalized with range normalization

pattern_softmax_norm_cvip - two csv files are input, training and test sets, and returns new csv files with the feature vectors normalized with softmax scaling normalization

pattern_unit_vector_norm_cvip - two csv files are input, training and test sets, and returns new csv files with the feature vectors normalized with unit vector normalization

range_norm_cvip - normalizes a set of feature vector values in a matrix based on the range of each feature

softmax_cvip - applies softmax normalization to set of feature vectors in a matrix

snd_norm_cvip - applies standard normal density normalization to a set of feature vectors in a matrix

unit_vector_norm_cvip - applies unit vector normalization to set of feature vectors in a matrix



autothreshold_cvip - perform automatic thresholding of an image

fuzzyc_cvip - perform Fuzzy c-Means clustering based image segmentation

gray_quant_cvip - perform gray level quantization of an image

hist_thresh_cvip- perform adaptive thresholding segmentation

igs_cvip - perform improved gray scale (IGS) quantization on an image

median_cut_cvip - perform image segmentation using median cut method

otsu_cvip - perform Otsu thresholding segmentation on an image

pct_median_cvip - perform image segmentation using PCT/median cut algorithm

sct_split_cvip - perform Sphere Coordinate Transform(SCT)/Center color segmentation

split_merge_cvip - perform split and merge segmentation on an image

threshold_cvip - perform binary threshold on an image


Spatial Filters: Adaptive Filters

ace2_filter_cvip - adaptive contrast and enhancement filter

adaptive_contrast_cvip- adaptive contrast filter, adapts to local gray level statistics

ad_filter_cvip - anisotropic diffusion filter

adapt_median_filter_cvip - a ranked-order based adaptive median filter

exp_ace_filter_cvip - performs an exponential ACE filter

improved_mmse_filter_cvip - perform improved adaptive minimum mean squared error filter

kuwahara_filter_cvip - an edge preserving, smoothing filter

log_ace_filter_cvip - performs a log ACE filter operation

mmse_filter_cvip - minimum mean squared error restoration filter


Spatial Filters: Mean Filters

arithmetic_mean_cvip - perform an arithmetic mean averaging filter

contra_mean_cvip - perform a contra-harmonic mean filter

geometric_mean_cvip - performs a geometric mean filter

harmonic_mean_cvip - performs a harmonic mean filter

raster_deblur_mean_cvip - raster deblurring filter

yp_mean_cvip - performs a Yp mean filter


Spatial Filters: Miscellaneous

convolve_filter_cvip - convolves an image with a user specified convolution mask

difference_filter_cvip - performs a difference/emboss filter


Spatial Filters: Order Filters

alpha_filter_cvip - perform an alpha-trimmed mean filter

maximum_filter_cvip - performs a maximum filter

median_filter_cvip - performs a fast histogram-method median filter

midpoint_filter_cvip - performs a midpoint filter

minimum_filter_cvip - performs a minimum filter on an image



dct_cvip - perform block-wise discrete cosine transform

fft_cvip - performs fast Fourier transform

fft_mag_cvip - extract magnitude of Fourier spectrum

fft_phase_cvip - extract phase of Fourier spectrum

haar_cvip - perform forward Haar transform

idct_cvip - perform inverse discrete cosine transform

ifft_cvip - performs inverse Fourier transform

ihaar_cvip - perform inverse Haar transform

iwalhad_cvip - perform inverse Walsh/Hadamard transform

iwavdaub4_cvip - perform inverse wavelet transform based on Daubechies wavelet

iwavhaar_cvip - perform inverse wavelet transform based on Haar wavelet

wavdaub4_cvip - perform forward wavelet transform based on Daubechies wavelet

wavhaar_cvip - perform forward wavelet transform based on Haar wavelet

walhad_cvip - perform forward Walsh/Hadamard transform


Transform Filters: Standard

ideal_low_cvip - perform ideal lowpass filter

ideal_high_cvip - perform ideal highpass filter

ideal_bandpass_cvip - perform ideal bandpass filter

ideal_bandreject_cvip - perform ideal bandreject filter

ideal_h_cvip - returns the frequency response of ideal filters

butterworth_low_cvip - perform Butterworth lowpass filter

butterworth_high_cvip - perform Butterworth highpass filter

butterworth_bandpass_cvip - perform Butterworth bandpass filter

butterworth_bandreject_cvip - perform Butterworth bandreject filter

butterworth_h_cvip - returns the frequency response of butterworth filters

highfreqemphasis_cvip - perform high frequency emphasis filter

homomorphic_cvip - performs homomorphic filtering on an input

h_image_cvip - create a mask image according to the size and type


Transform Filters: Restoration

geometric_mean_xformfilter_cvip - performs the geometric mean restoration filter

inverse_xformfilter_cvip - performs the inverse restoration frequency domain filter

least_squares_filter_cvip - performs the least squares restoration filter

notch_filter_cvip - performs the notch frequency domain filter

parametric_wiener_filter_cvip - performs the parameter Wiener restoration filter

power_spect_eq_filter_cvip - power spectrum equalization frequency domain restoration filter

simple_wiener_filter_cvip - performs the simple Wiener restoration filter

wiener_filter_cvip - performs the Wiener restoration filter